Sunday, May 15, 2011

What are the Rules for Local Bars and Restaurants?

The following blurb is an announcement from Community Board 6.  This is a good meeting to attend if you are interested in learning about the rules that local bars and restaurants must follow.  This will also be a great opportunity for community members to express concerns or questions to local and state officials.

An Informational Meeting

In an effort to better understand the rules and regulations governing restaurants and bars in our district, representatives from State Liquor Authority, City agencies and local precincts will be on hand to answer any questions in respect to noise, smoking, backyard usage, garbage and other related issues.

Please join us on:

DATE: Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TIME: 6:00 pm

PLACE: 78th Police Precinct

65 6th Avenue, Auditorium

(between Bergen & Dean Streets)

Bring your neighbors! Bring your friends!

Find out what's going on.

Leroy P. Branch Jr.
Assistant District Manager
Brooklyn Community Board 6
250 Baltic Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201-6401

t. (718) 643-3027, ext. 204
f. (718) 624-8410

Friday, May 6, 2011

Benefit concert to support Neonatal Intensive Care Unit @ Mt. Sinai Hospital

Music for Aardvarks Benefit Concert 6/4/2011

A friend of mine is putting on a benefit concert to raise money for
the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Mt. Sinai hospital. Looks like it
will be a fun time for a great cause...check it out!

June 4th at Southpaw on 5th Avenue in Park Slope, featuring
and Music for Aardvarks!

Event info:¬if_t=share_reply#!/event.php?eid=198584936849792

Buy Tickets: